Ricketts Glen on Fuji Provia 400X
More goodness from the Falls Trail in Ricketts Glen State Park in northeastern PA. The Falls Trail isn’t challenging, at least in summer and autumnal conditions. There have been many improvements made – this isn’t by any stretch a natural hike – but where they have been made, the stone steps match nicely with the surroundings.

Most of these shots were very long exposures, most of them longer than 1 second each. Since you can see individual tree leaves clearly, that is a good sign that there was absolutely no wind. Combined with moderate water flow and a smattering of gold leaves and I’d say this week was the perfect time to hike Ricketts Glen.
This second batch from my hike was taken on Fuji Provia 400X slide film. This film is faster than the Kodak (ISO 400 vs. ISO 100) and the colors are more towards the green than the vivid gold in the E100VS.
Gwenn Amos
November 16, 2012When in HS, friends and I would spend each New Year’s Eve camping in RG. We were the only bunch there and our midnight hike/slide along the trail was a much celebrated ritual.Many great memories from those years. You would love shooting the frozen and partially frozen falls. Most likely Ganoga won’t freeze completely but mist the trail nicely for an icy slide on the tree roots. Wear some good hockey gear for padding!