Cascade & Porter
There aren’t many April days as good as this one. By the time of our late 10AM start it was already almost 60°F, with crystal clear skies.
Having spent a couple decades in flatland Florida, I wasn’t sure how Philip would do, but we breezed up to Cascade. The view was typically spectacular, as was the stiff breeze.

There was a bit more ice heading over to Porter, so we wore Hillsounds for that segment. We enjoyed the views and sunshine from Porter’s pre-summit before heading back.

All day we leapfrogged one of the Adirondack living legends, Gary Koch, and enjoyed hearing his stories.
Dick mumaugh
April 29, 2017Beautiful day as you said – makes for great panorama photos. Who is the scruffy mountain man you took a photo of?
May 1, 2017I need a haircut! Yikes.