Ice crystals captured with my 100mm and 200mm macro lenses during the recent cold spell.
Sean Carpenter – Photographs and Work
Personal Photography and Work
Ice crystals captured with my 100mm and 200mm macro lenses during the recent cold spell.
Thank you to all our Veterans!
Exploring two more excellent SMC Takumar lenses with the Lens Turbo: the 135mm f/2.5 and 100mm f/4 Macro.
More exploration with my Lens Turbo, this time with some Super-Multi-Coated Takumars: 24mm f/3.5, 50mm f/1.4, 85mm f/1.8, and 135mm f/2.5.
One of the gems from the 35mm film days, the Super-Multi-Coated Takumar 50mm f/1.4 lens is popular for use on modern cameras.
The Pentax-FA* 24mm f/2 is a small (for it’s focal length and aperture), well-built, sharp, fun lens.
Some shots with my delicious Pentax FA* 85mm f/1.4 lens.
We watched some of the Baltimore Grand Prix, and while I appreciate the safety of the double fences, it wasn’t exactly great viewing (or shooting).